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Quick Start

Step 1: Create Organisation​

Creating an organisation or being part of one is mandatory to access features of Kavach. A user can create multiple organisations in Kavach. An Organisation consists of users and applications. The user who creates the organisation is by default an Owner. There are two kinds of role in Organisation - Owner and Member.

Following details are required to create an organisation:

  1. Title
  2. Slug
  3. Decription
  4. Logo

Step 2: Inviting Users​

Once organisation is created, owners can invite other users to join their organisation. By clicking the Invite Users button on Users page the user will be navigated to the invite users form from where the user can invite multiple users at the same time. Following are the details required to invite a user:

  1. Email
  2. First name
  3. Last name
  4. Role

Step 3: Adding an Application​

Only owners can add and edit application. By clicking on New Application button user will be navigated to a form where they can add an application. Following details are required to add an application:

  1. Name
  2. Slug
  3. Logo
  4. Description
  5. URL
  • User can add Factly applications by clicking on Add Factly Applications button on Applications page.

Step 5: Accepting an invitation​

To accept an invitation, navigate to the invitations page and then click on the accept action in the right side.

Step 5: Updating Organisation details​

Only owners can edit organisation details. For editing the organisation details users have to navigate to the settings page.

Step 6: Updating Personal details​

For updating personal details, user has to navigate to the profile page. User can add details like:

  • Display Name
  • Birthdate
  • Display Image
  • Social URLs and
  • Description